Tensor manipulation#

Basic operation#


Return the shape of x.


Get a tuple of symbolic shape values.


cast(x, dtype)

Symbolically cast x to a Tensor of type dtype.


Return real component of complex-valued tensor z Generalizes a scalar Op to tensors.


Return imaginary component of complex-valued tensor z Generalizes a scalar Op to tensors.

Updating elements#


Index assignment is not supported in Aesara. If you want to do the equivalent of a[5] = b or a[5]+=b you will need to use the set_subtensor or inc_subtensor operator respectively.

set_subtensor(x, y[, inplace, ...])

Return x with the given subtensor overwritten by y.

inc_subtensor(x, y[, inplace, ...])

Update the value of an indexed array by a given amount.

fill_diagonal_offset(a, val, offset)

Returns a copy of an array with all elements of the main diagonal set to a specified scalar value.

Changing tensor shape#

Specific to Aesara

The specify_shape operator is specific to Aesara.

reshape(x, newshape[, ndim])

flatten(x[, ndim])

Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.

specify_shape(x, shape)

Specify a fixed shape for a Variable.

Transpose-like operations#

moveaxis(a, source, destination)

Move axes of a TensorVariable to new positions.

swapaxes(y, axis1, axis2)

Swap the axes of a tensor.

roll(x, shift[, axis])

Convenience function to roll TensorTypes along the given axis.


transpose(x[, axes])

Reorder the dimensions of x.

Changing number of dimensions#

atleast_1d(*arys[, n, left])

Convert inputs to arrays with at least n dimensions.

atleast_2d(*arys[, n, left])

Convert inputs to arrays with at least n dimensions.

atleast_3d(*arys[, n, left])

Convert inputs to arrays with at least n dimensions.

broadcast_to(x, shape)

Broadcast an array to a new shape.


Broadcast any number of arrays against each other.

squeeze(x[, axis])

Remove broadcastable (length 1) dimensions from the shape of an array.

Joining tensors#

join(axis, *tensors_list)

Convenience function to concatenate TensorTypes along the given axis.

stack(*tensors, **kwargs)

Stack tensors in sequence on given axis (default is 0).


Recursively stack lists of tensors to maintain similar structure.


Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).


Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise).

concatenate(tensor_list[, axis])

Alias for `join`(axis, *tensor_list).

aesara.tensor.stack(tensors, axis=0)[source]#

Stack tensors in sequence on given axis (default is 0).

Take a sequence of tensors and stack them on given axis to make a single tensor. The size in dimension axis of the result will be equal to the number of tensors passed.

  • tensors – a list or a tuple of one or more tensors of the same rank.

  • axis – the axis along which the tensors will be stacked. Default value is 0.


A tensor such that rval[0] == tensors[0], rval[1] == tensors[1], etc.


>>> a = aesara.tensor.type.scalar()
>>> b = aesara.tensor.type.scalar()
>>> c = aesara.tensor.type.scalar()
>>> x = aesara.tensor.stack([a, b, c])
>>> x.ndim # x is a vector of length 3.
>>> a = aesara.tensor.type.tensor4()
>>> b = aesara.tensor.type.tensor4()
>>> c = aesara.tensor.type.tensor4()
>>> x = aesara.tensor.stack([a, b, c])
>>> x.ndim # x is a 5d tensor.
>>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c]))
>>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis 0
(3, 2, 2, 2, 2)

We can also specify different axis than default value 0:

>>> x = aesara.tensor.stack([a, b, c], axis=3)
>>> x.ndim
>>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c]))
>>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis 3
(2, 2, 2, 3, 2)
>>> x = aesara.tensor.stack([a, b, c], axis=-2)
>>> x.ndim
>>> rval = x.eval(dict((t, np.zeros((2, 2, 2, 2))) for t in [a, b, c]))
>>> rval.shape # 3 tensors are stacked on axis -2
(2, 2, 2, 3, 2)


The interface stack(*tensors) is deprecated! Use stack(tensors, axis=0) instead.

Stack tensors in sequence vertically (row wise).

Take a sequence of tensors and stack them vertically to make a single tensor.

param tensors:

one or more tensors of the same rank


A tensor such that rval[0] == tensors[0], rval[1] == tensors[1], etc.

>>> x0 = at.scalar()
>>> x1 = at.scalar()
>>> x2 = at.scalar()
>>> x = at.stack(x0, x1, x2)
>>> x.ndim # x is a vector of length 3.
aesara.tensor.concatenate(tensor_list, axis=0)[source]#
  • tensor_list (a list or tuple of Tensors that all have the same shape in the axes not specified by the axis argument.) – one or more Tensors to be concatenated together into one.

  • axis (literal or symbolic integer) – Tensors will be joined along this axis, so they may have different shape[axis]

>>> x0 = at.fmatrix()
>>> x1 = at.ftensor3()
>>> x2 = at.fvector()
>>> x = at.concatenate([x0, x1[0], at.shape_padright(x2)], axis=1)
>>> x.ndim

tensor_list (an iterable that contains either tensors or other iterables of the same type as tensor_list (in other words, this is a tree whose leaves are tensors).) – tensors to be stacked together.

Recursively stack lists of tensors to maintain similar structure.

This function can create a tensor from a shaped list of scalars:

>>> from aesara.tensor import stacklists, scalars, matrices
>>> from aesara import function
>>> a, b, c, d = scalars('abcd')
>>> X = stacklists([[a, b], [c, d]])
>>> f = function([a, b, c, d], X)
>>> f(1, 2, 3, 4)
array([[ 1.,  2.],
       [ 3.,  4.]])

We can also stack arbitrarily shaped tensors. Here we stack matrices into a 2 by 2 grid:

>>> from numpy import ones
>>> a, b, c, d = matrices('abcd')
>>> X = stacklists([[a, b], [c, d]])
>>> f = function([a, b, c, d], X)
>>> x = ones((4, 4), 'float32')
>>> f(x, x, x, x).shape
(2, 2, 4, 4)

Splitting tensors#

split(x, splits_size, n_splits[, axis])

Tiling tensors#

tile(x, reps[, ndim])

Tile input array x according to reps.

repeat(x, repeats[, axis])

Repeat elements of an array.

Adding and removing elements#

unique(ar[, return_index, return_inverse, ...])

Find the unique elements of an array.

Rearranging elements#

reshape(x, newshape[, ndim])

flatten(x[, ndim])

Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.

permute_row_elements(x, y[, inverse])


Computes the inverse of permutations.

Padding tensors#

shape_padleft(t[, n_ones])

Reshape t by left-padding the shape with n_ones 1s.

shape_padright(t[, n_ones])

Reshape t by right-padding the shape with n_ones 1s.

shape_padaxis(t, axis)

Reshape t by inserting 1 at the dimension axis.